How to setup SortingHat


  • Python >= 3.6

  • Poetry >= 1.1.0

  • MySQL >= 5.7 or MariaDB 10.0

  • Django = 3.1

  • Graphene-Django >= 2.0

  • uWSGI >= 2.0

You will also need some other libraries for running the tool, you can find the whole list of dependencies in pyproject.toml file.


Getting the source code

Clone the repository, and change to the muggle branch

$ git clone
$ git checkout muggle




We use Poetry for managing the project. You can install it following these steps.


Before you install SortingHat tool you might need to install mysql_config command. If you are using a Debian based distribution, this command can be found either in libmysqlclient-dev or libmariadbclient-dev packages (depending on if you are using MySQL or MariaDB database server). You can install these packages in your system with the next commands:

  • MySQL

$ apt install libmysqlclient-dev
  • MariaDB

$ apt install libmariadbclient-dev

Installation and configuration

Install the required dependencies (this will also create a virtual environment).

$ poetry install

Activate the virtual environment:

$ poetry shell

Migrations, fixtures and create a superuser:

(.venv)$ ./ makemigrations --settings=config.settings.devel
(.venv)$ ./ migrate --settings=config.settings.devel
(.venv)$ ./ loaddata sortinghat/core/fixtures/countries.json --settings=config.settings.devel
(.venv)$ ./ createsuperuser --settings=config.settings.devel

Running the backend

Run SortingHat backend Django app:

(.venv)$ ./ runserver --settings=config.settings.devel




To compile and run the frontend you will need to install yarn first. The latest versions of yarn can only be installed with npm - which is distributed with NodeJS.

When you have npm installed, then run the next command to install yarn on the system:

npm install -g yarn

Check the official documentation for more information.

Installation and configuration

Install the required dependencies

$ cd ui/
$ yarn install

Running the frontend

Run SortingHat frontend Vue app:

$ yarn serve

SortingHat service

Starting at version 0.8, SortingHat is released with a server app. The server has two modes, production and development.

When production mode is active, a WSGI app is served. The idea is to use a reverse proxy like NGINX or similar, that will be connected with the WSGI app to provide an interface HTTP.

When development mode is active, an HTTP server is launched, so you can interact directly with SortingHat using HTTP requests. Take into account this mode is not suitable nor safe for production.

You will need a django configuration file to run the service. You can use and modify one of the ones stored in config/settings folder. The file must be accessible via PYTHONPATH env variable. For the next examples, we will use file.

In order to run the service for the first time, you need to execute the next commands:

Build the UI interface:

$ cd ui
$ yarn build

Copy the static files to the location where they will be served (STATIC_ROOT var):

$ ./ collectstatic --settings=config.settings.devel

Run the server (use --dev flag for development mode):

$ sortinghatd --config config.settings.devel

By default, this runs a WSGI server in The --dev flag runs a server in

Compatibility between versions

SortingHat 0.7.x is not longer supported. Any database using this version will not work.

SortingHat databases 0.7.x are no longer compatible. The uidentities table was renamed to individuals. The database schema changed in all tables to add the fields created_at and last_modified. Also in domains, enrollments, identities, profiles tables, there are some specific changes to the column names:

  • domains

    • organization_id to organization

  • enrollments

    • organization_id to organization

    • uuid to individual

  • identities

    • uuid to individual

  • profiles

    • country_code to country

    • uuid to individual

Please update your database following the next steps:

  1. Use the script utils/ to create the fixture JSON file

    $ python3 utils/ test_sh -o test_sh_fixture.json
    [2021-06-10 17:29:11,461][INFO] Start creating fixture file for test_sh
    [2021-06-10 17:29:21,252][INFO] Fixture file created to test_sh_fixture.json
  2. Create a new database.

    mysql> CREATE DATABASE new_sh CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_520_ci;
  3. Execute Django migrate.

    $ python3 migrate --settings=config.settings.devel
  4. Load fixture JSON file using Django

    $ python3 loaddata test_sh_fixture.json --settings=config.settings.devel
    Installed 148542 object(s) from 1 fixture(s)

Running tests

SortingHat comes with a comprehensive list of unit tests for both frontend and backend.

Backend test suite

(.venv)$ ./ test --settings=config.settings.testing

Frontend test suite

$ cd ui/
$ yarn test:unit