sortinghat.core package


sortinghat.core.admin module

sortinghat.core.api module

sortinghat.core.apps module

class sortinghat.core.apps.SortingHatCoreConfig(app_name, app_module)[source]

Bases: django.apps.config.AppConfig

name = 'sortinghat.core'

sortinghat.core.context module

class sortinghat.core.context.SortingHatContext(user, job_id)

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

sortinghat.core.db module

sortinghat.core.decorators module

sortinghat.core.errors module

exception sortinghat.core.errors.AlreadyExistsError(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: sortinghat.core.errors.BaseError

Exception raised when an entity already exists in the registry

code = 2
message = "%(entity)s '%(eid)s' already exists in the registry"
exception sortinghat.core.errors.BaseError(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: Exception

Base class error.

Derived classes can overwrite error message declaring ‘message’ property.

code = 1
message = 'SortingHat unknown error'
exception sortinghat.core.errors.ClosedTransactionError(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: sortinghat.core.errors.BaseError

Exception raised when performing a change on a closed transaction

code = 12
message = '%(msg)s'
exception sortinghat.core.errors.DuplicateRangeError(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: sortinghat.core.errors.BaseError

Exception raised when setting an enrollment with an existing date range

code = 14
message = "range date '%(start)s'-'%(end)s' is part of an existing range for %(org)s"
exception sortinghat.core.errors.EqualIndividualError(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: sortinghat.core.errors.BaseError

Exception raised when the source and destination individual are the same

code = 15
message = '%(msg)s'
exception sortinghat.core.errors.InvalidFilterError(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: sortinghat.core.errors.BaseError

Exception raised when a filter is invalid

code = 16
message = 'Error in %(filter_name)s filter: %(msg)s'
exception sortinghat.core.errors.InvalidValueError(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: sortinghat.core.errors.BaseError

Exception raised when a value is invalid

code = 10
message = '%(msg)s'
exception sortinghat.core.errors.LockedIdentityError(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: sortinghat.core.errors.BaseError

Exception raised when performing a change on a locked individual

code = 13
message = 'Individual %(uuid)s is locked'
exception sortinghat.core.errors.NotFoundError(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: sortinghat.core.errors.BaseError

Exception raised when an entity is not found in the registry

code = 9
message = '%(entity)s not found in the registry'
exception sortinghat.core.errors.RecommendationEngineError(**kwargs)[source]

Bases: sortinghat.core.errors.BaseError

Exception raised when there is an error in the recommendation engine

code = 100
message = '%(msg)s' module

sortinghat.core.log module

sortinghat.core.models module

sortinghat.core.schema module

sortinghat.core.utils module

sortinghat.core.views module

Module contents