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Setup GrimoireLab

There are currently two ways to setup GrimoireLab, either through docker or docker-compose. In this tutorial, we’ll be talking about docker-compose only due to the fact that it’s currently the easiest and simplest method to get started with.


You can make sure that you have the above software and hardware requirements through the following means.

$ git --version
git version 2.32.0
$ docker --version
Docker version 20.10.7, build f0df35096d
$ docker-compose --version
docker-compose version 1.28.5, build c4eb3a1f
$ cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor | wc -l        #View number of processors
$ grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo                       #View amount of RAM available
MemTotal:        8029848 kB
$ sudo sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144            #Set virtual memory
vm.max_map_count = 262144

The reason for allocating 262144 for memory is the check that ElasticSearch performs on boot. It ensures that the kernel allows at least 261144 memory mapped areas.


  • Clone the GrimoireLab repo:
$ git clone
  • Go to docker-compose folder and run the following command:
$ cd grimoirelab/docker-compose
grimoirelab/docker-compose$ sudo docker-compose up -d

Your dashboard will be ready after a while at http://localhost:5601. The waiting time depends on the amount of data to fetch from a repo.


Error handling

If something goes wrong during the setup, run the docker-compose command without the -d. That will allow you to see all the logs in regards to the build.

grimoirelab/docker-compose$ docker-compose up

Port already in use

It may also happen that the port, 5601, is already allocated to some other container. So running docker-compose will lead to the following error

WARNING: Host is already in use by another container

In order to fix it, you need to see which container is using that port and kill that container.

$ docker container ls   #View all running containers
CONTAINER ID   IMAGE                                                     COMMAND                  CREATED         STATUS                     PORTS                                                 NAMES
01f0767adb47   grimoirelab/hatstall:latest                               "/bin/sh -c ${DEPLOY…"   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes     >80/tcp, :::8000->80/tcp                 docker-compose_hatstall_1
9587614c7c4e   bitergia/mordred:latest                                   "/bin/sh -c ${DEPLOY…"   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes (unhealthy)                                                         docker-compose_mordred_1
c3f3f118bead   bitergia/kibiter:community-v6.8.6-3                       "/docker_entrypoint.…"   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes     >5601/tcp, :::5601->5601/tcp             docker-compose_kibiter_1
d3c691acaf7b   mariadb:10.0                                              "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes               3306/tcp                                              docker-compose_mariadb_1
f5f406146ee9   "/usr/local/bin/dock…"   2 minutes ago   Up 2 minutes     >9200/tcp, :::9200->9200/tcp, 9300/tcp   docker-compose_elasticsearch_1
$ docker rm -f c3f3f118bead          #c3f3f118bead is the container that is using port 5601.

Empty dashboard or visualization

Usually this is a matter of time for GrimoireLab to fetch the data from the configured data source. However It may happen that some filters might be activated. You can see whether a filter is active by looking at the filter bar as shown in the following screenshot or the time window.
